Cultural Security Framework
for Kimberley Mental Health, Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Drug and Alcohol Services
The vision of the Cultural Security Framework (CSF) is for the delivery of culturally secure mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, and alcohol and other drug services and support, which are responsive to, and respectful of, the cultural rights, values, beliefs and expectations of Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region.
There are Four Key Result Areas where cultural security should be addressed and can be targeted as areas for improvement:
The four key result areas of the Cultural Security Framework
The CSF was developed by the Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Sub-committee of the KAHPF. Aboriginal staff from member organisations led the consultation and development of the CSF, and the CSF has been endorsed by the KAHPF. The CSF was initially developed as an initiative of the Kimberley Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Trial.
The CSF takes a Continuous Quality Improvement approach to improve cultural security in an organisation, both for employees and clients/patients. A supporting Guide and Self-Assessment Tool is available to assist services / organisations to self-manage implementation.