KAHPF Research Sub-committee
Overview of KAHPF Research Sub-committee
The KAHPF Research Sub-committee was established in 2006 to guide research in the region. Projects need to be assessed by this sub-committee before being reviewed by the Western Australian Aboriginal Health Ethics Committee (WAAHEC).
Key priorities in the KAHPF Strategic Plan include “Ensuring health research, evaluation and evidence transfer is designed, collected and utilised in a culturally secure manner”. The primary objective of the KAHPF Research Sub-committee is to support high standards of research in the Kimberley by reviewing project applications for cultural security, benefit, and burden, and determining whether support should be provided at the regional level for proposed projects.
The KAHPF Research Sub-committee has a close relationship with the Kimberley Aboriginal Health Research Alliance (KAHRA), which was established in 2020. The KAHRA Team administers the research review and secretariat function of the KAHPF Research Sub-committee in collaboration with relevant KAHPF representatives, and provides advice and recommendations to KAHPF on matters of health research in the region.
The Research Sub-committee does not have any decision-making powers as an entity which cut across the authority of individual health service governance and management bodies.
The Research Sub-committee advises WAAHEC about whether proposed research is supported at the regional level. The decision to grant or deny ethics approval rests with WAAHEC (https://www.ahcwa.org.au/sector-support/waahec).
Conditions for new research projects (2023)
KAHPF requires that proposed research projects meet the following conditions in order to receive regional support:
There is consultation with each individual organisation that is involved in the project (noting that Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services does not provide region-wide support). An outcome of this would be a detailed letter/s of support from the relevant organisation/s.
If organisations do not have capacity to be involved in a proposed project, they will say no. If an organisation approached for involvement in research does not respond, this should be taken as declining involvement. KAHPF member organisations can be approached directly using the Research Engagement Request form below.
Aboriginal health research projects in the Kimberley require the meaningful and informed involvement of Kimberley Aboriginal people. It is expected that local Aboriginal people will be included as Investigators on projects.
Any costs incurred by organisations in support of the research (e.g. clinic space, transport, human resources, participation in research) are budgeted for, and reimbursed to the organisation if required.
Researchers commit to providing updates, research findings and practical implications to the involved organisations, communities, and individuals throughout the project. This could form part of the organisation’s letter of support, or a written research agreement.
Researchers commit to working with the involved organisations at the end of the project to help make use of the findings, including advocacy for funding or resources where relevant.
As part of assessing projects for cultural security, benefit and burden, the following requirements will also be considered:
Methods that are appropriate for the Kimberley setting.
Lack of duplication of current or previous research.
Availability of sufficient resources.
Useful outcomes for Kimberley Aboriginal people.
Consistency with the Principles of KAHRA that have been endorsed by representatives of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) and WA Country Health Service (WACHS). The Principles of KAHRA are included in the Downloads section below.
All applications will be reviewed as expediently as possible in the context of competing demands for all involved in the process, noting that there is a high volume of research applications and finite human resources to manage these. Researchers are encouraged to submit their application as soon as it is ready, and before submitting to WAAHEC.
Engaging with local services
If you are looking to engage with a KAHPF organisation, please complete the Research Engagement Request (RER) form below and send it to the CEO of the relevant service. Please note that beyond sending the RER form, researchers will need to engage in a process of meaningful consultation and co-design with relevant communities and/or organisations.
General steps:
Complete RER form and send to CEO of organisation.
If the organisation responds and wants to be involved, work with them to further develop the research proposal.
Work with the organisation to develop a detailed letter of support.
Once all relevant documentation is ready, submit application to KAHPF Research Sub-committee.
Please note that this engagement process alone can take many months.
KAHPF Research Project Application Form
Kimberley Aboriginal Health Research Alliance (KAHRA) Principles
What does it mean to be an Investigator on a research project?
Research Engagement Request (RER) form
KAHPF Research Sub-committee Terms of Reference
Progress reports are due 30 June each year. The KAHPF Research Sub-committee accepts the WAAHEC Progress Report Form that can be found at the WAAHEC website.
A Final Report must be submitted to the KAHPF Research Sub-committee at the end of the project. The WAAHEC Final Report Form can be used. Please ensure that you include details specific to the Kimberley.
For further information, please contact:
KAHPF Research Sub-committee Secretariat