Reference: 2007-004 - Improving wound care in Indigenous communities in WA a partnership with Indigenous communities to develop culturally inclusive approaches to prevention and management of complex wounds
Researchers: Dr Rhonda Marriott (Murdoch University), Professor Anne McMurray (Murdoch University), Assoc Prof Keryln Carville (Silver Chain and Curtin University), Jenny Prentiss (Nurses Board of WA), Veronica Strachan (Wounds West)
Funding: State Health Research Advisory Council
Project summary: This project aims to improve wound healing rates and access to best practice management of complex wounds in Indigenous communities across Western Australia through a culturally inclusive approach.
This will include: the incorporation of Indigenous beliefs and perspectives into patient management and treatment protocols; the implementation of education and health promotion programs; and interventions aimed at prevention, early detection and effective management of wounds. Expected outcomes of the project include increased awareness of wound assessment, wound complications and management; increased skill levels of health practitioners (particularly of the Indigenous health workforce); improved appropriateness of referrals to acute WA health centres; improved healing rates of wounds; a decrease in amputations (and other complications); and increased access to culturally appropriate best practice wound management by Indigenous patients. It is anticipated, based on a previous pilot conducted in the Kimberley region that significant cost savings will be realised within the duration of this project and will be sustained beyond the life of the project.
The project will be led by Aboriginal researchers supported by highly qualified senior clinicians and scientists. Funding was received in August 2007 and the project will end in July 2008. Provision will be made for a follow up evaluation to be conducted 12 months after the project has concluded to measure sustainability of the outcomes of this project.
Progress: Completed in 2009