Reference: 2008-001 - Alcohol and Pregnancy: Aboriginal Women’s knowledge, attitude and practice

Researchers: Heather D’Antoine (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research), Nadine Henley (Edith Cowan University), Jan Payne (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research), Elizabeth Elliott (University of Sydney), Carol Bower (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research), Anne Bartu, (Drug and Alcohol Department)

Funding: Healthway Starter Grant

Project summary: The aim of this project is to collect qualitative data from Aboriginal women in the Kimberley (Fitzroy Crossing), Goldfields and the Metropolitan area on their knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding alcohol use in pregnancy. The data will be collected through focus groups. Data from non-Aboriginal women on this topic has already been collected through a computerised telephone survey. As anticipated, Aboriginal women were under-represented in this survey and it was planned that we would collect qualitative data from Aboriginal women on this topic. This information will be used to inform the development of an intervention aimed at informing women and the broader community about the effects of alcohol use in pregnancy. The data collection in the Kimberley and Goldfields is funded by a Healthways Starter Grant. The data collection for the Metropolitan area, which has commenced, is funded through the current NHMRC Program Grant.

Progress: Completed in 2009