Reference: 2008-011 - The Rio Tinto Aboriginal Health Partnership: Building a strong foundation and sustainable future

Researchers: Prof Fiona Stanley (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research), Prof Colleen Hayward, Dr Clair Scrine & Heather Monteiro (Kulunga Research Network, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research)

Funding: Rio Tinto Ltd

Project summary: This Project responds to a call from Aboriginal Health Workers for more training, development and support. It aims to build the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal community controlled health organisations and government agencies, and the Aboriginal community through the development and provision of practical tools and programs to bring about improvements in the area of Aboriginal child and maternal health. This will be achieved through the development of a toolkit which will provide ongoing assistance to individuals and organisations. Content of the toolkit will include the topics addressed through community consultation, as well as a range of other information and resources relevant to Aboriginal maternal and child health. The toolkit will also provide resources which aim to build the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers by providing them with the skills and knowledge to conduct their own research.

Progress: Completed in 2010