Reference: 2009-006 - Review of workforce capacity in Indigenous tobacco control

Researchers: Anke van der Sterren, Viki Briggs, Terry James, Dallas Young, Nicole McMillan (Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Tobacco Control (CEITC), University of Melbourne)

Funding: Department of Health & Ageing

Project summary: Smoking is a major contributing factor to Indigenous poor life expectancy and remains comparatively high (Indigenous 51%, other Australians 19%). Indigenous Healthcare workers (IHWs) are key to improving Indigenous health through their multifaceted role as community members and trusted knowledgeable professionals. Their workload is high while their capacity to meet the demand is low, and they face particular challenges in providing tobacco control programs in their communities. The Department of Health & Ageing (DoHA) have funded the CEITC to undertake a national review and consultation across the country to assess the capacities and needs of the workforces in Indigenous health services to effectively deliver tobacco prevention and cessation activities and programs. The findings of the review and consultation process will result in recommendations to DoHA on the strategic directions for its Indigenous Tobacco Control Initiative.

Progress: Completed in 2011