Reference: 2009-009 - STRIVE: STI in Remote communities: ImproVed & Enhanced primary health care
Researchers: Prof John Kaldor, Mr James Ward, Dr Rebecca Guy, Prof. Lisa Maher, Prof. Basil Donovan, A/Prof Matthew Law (National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research); Dr Alice Rumbold, Ms Bronwyn Silver, Ms Debbie Taylor-Thomson (Menzies School of Health Research); Dr Steven Skov (Northern Territory Department of Health and Families); Dr John Boffa, Ms Donna AhChee (Central Australian Aboriginal Congress); Prof Robyn McDermott (The University of South Australia); Professor Christopher Fairley (University of Melbourne)
Funding: National Health and Medical Research Council
Project summary: STRIVE is a collaborative research project between the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology Clinical Research and the Menzies School of Health Research in partnership with the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory, the NT Department of Health and Families, Apunipima Cape York Aboriginal Health Council and the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council. STRIVE aims to reduce the short and long-term adverse consequences of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is being implemented in the Kimberley to address the recognised endemic rates of STIs occuring in Aboriginal communities in this region.
Progress: Ongoing