Reference: 2010-009 - Audit of ENT referrals and management practices in the Fitzroy Valley region
Researchers: Dr Adam Mossenson, Dr Sharon Nowrojee (KPHU); Dr Sarah Larkins (JCU)
Funding: Internal
Project summary: Ear Nose and Throat conditions represent a significant health concern for Australia’s Indigenous population, especially in rural and remote areas. Service provision of ENT specialists in the Kimberley region is a limited and every effort must be made to maximise on their time when available. Currently patients are referred to ENT outpatient clinics from GPs, remote area clinics and ACCHOs without any formal review of content/completeness of the referral prior to being seen in clinic by the specialist. This project aims to review the quality of the referral letters and clinical information provided to the visiting ENT surgeons. Further, case files will be reviewed in regards to management, follow up and adherence to clinical protocols.
Progress: Did not commence