Reference: 2011-014 - Investigation into cause of mortality of members on Rheumatic Heart Disease control program for period 2000-2010

Researchers: Dr Sarah Woodland, Dr Carole Reeve (Kimberley Population Health Unit)

Funding: Internal

Project summary: Aim: to determine the causes of mortality in patients with RHD (Rheumatic heart Disease) in the Kimberley

The research project is based on the observation that many of the members of the Rheumatic Heart disease register known to have died have a young age of death. Other investigations have shown that ARF and RHD not only affects but kills Aboriginal people in their most productive years. The project will be conducted via systematic review of death certificates, medical records and public records to ascertain the cause of death of patients known to have Rheumatic Heart Disease who were on the RHD Register. This information will then be used to assess the impact of RHD on mortality in the Kimberley region.

Progress: Completed in 2013