Reference: 2011-020 - Translating primary health care policy into service delivery

Researchers: Dr Carole Reeve, Tim O’Brien, Monica Frain, Dr Peta Williams, Dr David Reeve (Kimberley Population Health Unit); Ms Maureen Carter (Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services)

Funding: DoH

Project summary: This project aims to determine the effectiveness of moving from an acute focused hospital-based care system to a population based primary health service model of service delivery in small integrated hospitals in remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley.

Fitzroy Crossing is in the process of moving from being an acute hospital based model to community primary health based service provision. This has resulted in a demonstrated increase in occasions of service, improved chronic disease screening and outcome measures without a significant increase in staffing levels by using staffing more efficiently. We would like to examine this model of care in further detail and demonstrate additional savings and/or cost efficiencies in extending this primary health care model. A key enabler for this was the formal partnership developed with Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services.

Progress: Completed in 2013