Reference: 2011-022 - Australian and New Zealand SNAPSHOT ACS
Researchers: Dr Tony Mylius (WA Country Health); Dr Jamie Rankin (Royal Perth Hospital); Dr Michelle Ammerer (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital); Dr Alan Whelan (Fremantle Hospital); Dr Siang Ung (Swan District Hospital); Dr Elizabeth Patterson (Rockingham District Hospital); Dr David Playford (Armadale Hospital); Dr Andrei Catanchin (Joondalup Health Campus); Dr Mark Hands (St John of God Subiaco)
Funding: Snapshot ACS has secured communication funds for teleconferencing from the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. High-level in kind project officer support has been provided by a majority of state Health and Clincial Networks, including the WA Department of Health.
Project summary: Snapshot ACS is a prospective registry which is designed to evaluate the existing patterns of care for patients who are admitted to hospital with an ACS in order to improve the quality of care. The project has recently received endorsement from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare.
More than 400 centres that treat patients with ACS in Australia and New Zealand will be asked to participate and the researchers expect to enroll approximately 4,000 patients over a 2 week period. The main objective of the registry is to provide a greater understanding of the management and health outcomes of patients across the full breadth of hospitals in both countries.
Information on the clinical characteristics, the in-hospital investigations and management of patients will be collected. This will be compared to guidelines for recommended practice. This data will inform future strategies to improve ACS care in Australia and New Zealand.
Progress: Did not commence in the Kimberley