Reference: 2012-005 - Eye Health Awareness and Education for Diabetic Indigenous Australians in the Kimberley

Researchers: Joos Meyer, Angus Turner (COVS, UWA)

Funding: Lions Eye Institute

Project summary: This project’s central aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of a new educational resource in the form of a short animated video clip, being implemented for patient education on diabetic retinopathy screening. The video has been specifically designed with the Australian Indigenous population in mind. It will be used as part of the screening routine around Western Australia. The study will be a qualitative study using a short questionnaire before and after the video to evaluate patient knowledge, satisfaction with the screening service and motivation for future screening.

Participants will be diabetic patients of an Indigenous Australian background who present for their routine annual diabetic retinopathy screening photograph. They have been selected as the purpose of the video is to educate this population on diabetic retinopathy and the justification for screening.

Progress: Completed in 2012