Reference: 2012-014 - Gonorrhoea treatment in the Kimberley
Researchers: Dr Jake Parker, Dr Carole Reeve (Kimberley Public Health Unit)
Project summary: Gonorrhoea is a potentially preventable sexually transmitted infection which, if remains untreated, can lead to unnecessary surgery, chronic pain syndromes, increased rates of life-threatening ectopic pregnancy, and reduced fertility. The Kimberley region has some of the highest rates of gonorrhoea in Australia and, although had remained stable in the 10 years to 2008, has become more irregular in the past 4 years. Whilst gonorrhoea treatment best-practice guidelines have been developed, it has been shown that adherence is intermittent. Several barriers to treatment have been postulated, including the timely access to a treatment order.
This study will investigate the drivers which influence the rate of gonorrhoea infections in the Kimberley. In addition, it will assess if the provision of a “doctor’s treatment order” at the time of notification will improve adherence to best practice guidelines. Data will be sourced from routine clinical documentation or health staff. Results will be compared to a retrospective audit of where no “doctor’s treatment order” was provided.
Progress: Completed in 2013