Reference: 2012-018 - TASK - Toward A Smoke Free Kimberley
Researchers: Local Researchers (OVAHS, DAHS); Tara Page, Moana Tane (KAMSC)
Project summary: Almost half of Aboriginal people smoke and it represents the biggest single health risk to the community. Smoking is estimated to account for 1 in 5 Aboriginal deaths and has declined only slightly over recent years, indicating that quit smoking programs have largely not been effective for Aboriginal people.
The Tackling Smoking Healthy Lifestyles team is committed to moving Towards A Smoke Free Kimberley (TASK). One of our key contractual initiatives with our funding body is to develop a localised social marketing campaign tailored towards motivating local people to make a quit attempt. The aim of a localised approach is to ensure that the campaign reaches out to the local Aboriginal population in a way that will positively start the journey towards becoming smoke free. Community & stakeholder engagement is integral to the project – BRAMS, KPHU, Cancer Council are members of the TASK team.
The Social Marketing campaign is being informed by a review of existing knowledge around Health & Wellbeing, Smoking and Social Marketing as well as primary marketing research amongst people in the Kimberley. The local marketing research program will involve consultation with local people during the exploratory phase, during creative development and for evaluation purposes. The first stage is to conduct exploratory depth interviews and we will then move into focus groups to help finalise the creative for the Social Marketing campaign.
Progress: Completed in 2013