Reference: 2013-001 - Cause of mortality in people with Rheumatic Heart Disease in the Kimberley 1990-2010

Researchers: Dr Alexandra Hofer, Dr Carole Reeve, Dr Jacqui Murdoch (Kimberley Population Health Unit)


Project summary: This project was brought about as a consequence of a recent mortality audit of the WA RHD Control Program (Ref 2011-014).

The aims of this project include the following:

  • Determine the death rates due to RHD in the Kimberley during 1990-2010 by ethnicity and age-group

  • Determine common causes of mortality in this cohort

  • Determine the prevalence of valvular surgery in this cohort

The project cohort will be identified by the Data Linkage Branch (DLB), WA and further demographic and mortality data will be collected from the Hospital Morbidity Data System and Death Registry via the DLB.

This project aims to provide more accurate Kimberley-specific mortality data to describe the burden of RHD in this region.

Progress: Completed in 2014