Reference: 2013-010 - Evaluation of the Western Australian Rheumatic Heart Disease Register
Researchers: Dr Philippa Chidgzey, Janice Forrester, Dr Carole Reeve, Dr Peta Williams (Kimberley Population Health Unit); Dr Stephanie Davis (Australian National University)
Project summary: The Western Australian (WA) Rheumatic Health Disease (RHD) Register is the surveillance system to be assessed in this evaluation. The register is a part of the WA RHD Control Program which aims to maintain an effective register, improve the clinical care of patients and provide data for the monitoring of Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) and RHD(2). The main aims of the WA RHD Register are to:
Identify and register new cases of ARF and RHD
Use data to monitor patient outcomes and improve program strategies
Evaluation will primarily be undertaken through interviews and surveys of key stakeholders that provide information to the Register and use the data for policy and decision making. The register will be accessed for the purposes of data analysis and the assessment of key attributes. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess whether the register is meeting its purpose and objectives, which will be linked to the national key performance indicators for the Rheumatic Fever Strategy(3). Conclusions and recommendations from this evaluation will be shared with the RHD WA Clinical Advisory Group and other important stakeholders.
The main purpose of the evaluation of the WA RHD Register is to:
Assess whether the register is fulfilling its purpose and objectives;
Assess how useful the register is for public health control of RHD, which will include the assessment of specific attributes of the register;
Distribute findings from the evaluation and provide recommendations to improve effectiveness of the Register to improve service delivery and outcomes for people with ARF and RHD.
Progress: Onging