Reference: 2013-016 - West Kimberley Youth Photovoice Project pilot study to assess youth strengths and assets in the community

Researchers: Katy Crawford(KPHU); Deb Carter Nindilingarri Cultural Health); Bec Morgan (KPHU); Bronwyn Lovell, Joshua John (Kimberley Training Institute); Roanna Lobo (SiREN, Curtin University)


Project summary: Photovoice is a participatory research method considered as a useful tool in understanding the needs of a vulnerable population. It overcomes barriers such as low literacy levels and promotes self esteem. Photovoice provides an opportunity to identify perceived strengths and opportunities for enhancing these qualities.

The Kimberley region has endemic rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea with the majority of notifications in the16-24 year old age group. Traditional health promotion needs assessments of young people are focused on ‘negative’ behaviours and health outcomes. The findings from this Photovoice activity will instead identify assets that can be enhanced and supported in future health promotion activities.

The pilot project will run over a 6 week time period and will begin with a discussion about project expectations from all stakeholders including participants. Training will involve basic photography skills, multimedia use and facilitation of discussions around approaches to addressing the questions, concerns and barriers.

Possible questions/themes to be addressed in the project include:

  • Who do you talk to about sex?

  • How do you communicate with your friends and family?

  • What is your favourite thing to do when you are bored?

  • What makes you healthy or strong?

After the participants have taken and selected photos individual and group discussions will take place around perceived photo meanings. The group will present and discuss the findings with the wider project team.

Progress: Ongoing